Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The efficiency of muscle confusion in the P90x program

Tony Horton was the man behind the P90x fitness craze that popularized the concept of muscle confusion. Individuals that would practice such theory would obtain fast and reliable results in less amount of time. The muscle confusion concepts were practiced in the earlier days of muscle building. Tony Horton did not invent this concept, but he was the one who presented it to the masses. Prominent and established bodybuilders like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Joe Wieder.
The muscle confusion is very efficient. I have tried doing the P90x program and it certainly does provide substantial results. The training routines for the P90x are being altered from time to time to create confusion and essential muscles gains in your body.
Our body is superb in adapting to tolerances in various exercise and activities. Any fitness routine is very effective in the first month. However, there could be irrelevant and insignificant results in the following weeks if you continue to utilize your current fitness program. Muscles easily adapts to the activities in your bodies in such span of time. It is vital to vary the weights, reps, exercises, sets and even equipment after the duration of such program. You can perform your exercises in a circuit or increase your weights if you want substantial results in your current program. You can use cables, machines, dumbbells or kettlebells when doings presses to confuse the muscles affected.
One of the distinct advantages of the P90x program has several routines that would condition and confuse your muscles. Athletes should obtain this program since it could improve their level of fitness. The program has all the exercises that would stimulate muscle growth and torch fat in less amount of time. The program includes stretching, yoga, cardio and muscle building. The entire system has supersets, giant sets, pyramid concepts and circuit training that would torch fat and build muscle in less amount of time.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Essential facts of rice

Rice can be the substantial source of energy for humans. It can also cause obesity and diabetes with several individuals. Rice can produce positive effects in our body. However, too much intake of such food can also cause several health risks that can lead to several complications. Asians like me are accustomed to eating rice. A meal is not complete without the presence of rice with us Asians. Several Asian countries have restaurants that would offer unlimited rice to their customers.
I was able to lose weight by removing rice from my diet. It did provide positive effects in my body. However, I would not recommend this diet to be followed by other individuals especially Asians. Unlike other Asians, I’m accustomed to eating meals without rice. You can follow such diet if you are accustomed to eating meals without rice. If you are a rice eater and you want to lose weight, then minimize your intake of such grain.
Here are the Pros and Cons of rice that could provide you the insights of such side dish.

·         * Rice is a good source of energy. It is rich in carbohydrates that can enhance your performance for any sports. These carbohydrates can improve brain and body functions. It is rich in minerals and vitamins such as the B vitamins (niacin and thiamin) phosphorus and zinc.
·         * Rice contains the highest amount of quality of protein compared to the other grains. Protein is the 2nd most abundant constituent of rice after the carbohydrates.
·         * Rice is free from cholesterol and low in fat.

·         * White rice has less fiber compared to the other grains.
·         * They have less sodium which basically signifies that eating rice can minimize absorption of vitamins, minerals and nutrients such as zinc and iron.
·         * Rice can increase the risks of obtaining hypertension (high blood pressure). It has tasteless qualities that can enable the eater to consume more salty foods. Salt and ketchup intake can increase with such food. Eating too much salt and sodium can increase the risk of high blood pressure.
·         * White rice is the primary cause of type 2 diabetes for Asians. Recent studies have confirmed that eating five or more servings of white rice per week can basically increase the risks of obtaining diabetes.
·         * Rice turns to sugar. One bowl of rice is equivalent to ten teaspoons of sugar in terms of caloric values.

Brown rice can be an essential substitute for your white rice. They have more fiber and they can lessen the possibilities of acquiring any medical conditions. Brown rice can be a little expensive to your budget. You can also try my poor man’s brown rice, which is the corn rice for it also contains fiber that is similar to brown rice.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Workout routine for losing the love handles

Love handles are the common and contemporary term for the fat that surrounds your abdomen. These love handles are primarily located in the oblique part of your torso. These oblique are perhaps the most stubborn body part in terms of toning for the reason that they are the body part that accommodates the most fats.

Spot training and toning would not lead to immediate results to these body parts. You need to lower you body fats to lose these love handles. You have to lose weight or gain muscles if you want to remove those fats in your body. Overall body fitness should be applied to lose the fats in your oblique. The abdomen is the part of your body that would indicate to your fitness level and body fat percentage.

Losing these handles requires the proper diet along with the other practices. Intense cardio training should also be practiced to provide instantaneous effects.  Here is a recently designed circuit training that could help you in losing those love handles.
- A pair of dumbbells
- Clock Timer

·         This exercise routine is a circuit training program which basically means that you have to proceed to next exercise without or minimal rest only.
·        -  The duration of each station or exercise is 60 seconds.
·         - Repetitions should be done in as many as you can in the duration of the single exercise.
·         - The entire routine is consisted of 9 exercises or stations.
·        -  Repeat 2 to3 times after completing an entire routine.
·         - This training routine can also be utilized as your cardio and core training.

Warm up set:
Jumping jacks for 25 reps

Exercise number 1: Dumbbell swing.
* Hold a dumbbell in an overhand position and hold it at the front of your waist and at arm's length. Slightly arched your lower back and bend your knees and hips while the dumbbell is being swung in between your legs. Swing the dumbbell forward at your shoulder length and thrust your hips with your arms and legs straight. Perform the entire cycle and switch arms at the 30 second mark.

Exercise number 2: T-Push ups (with or without weights)

 Exercise number 3: Twist Crunches

Exercise number 4: Mountain climbers

Exercise number 5: Dumbell push press`with rotation

Exercise number 6: Plank

Exercise number 7: Squat thrust

Exercise number 8: Standard push ups
Exercise number 9: Standard crunches

- Remember to rest after the entire circuit for two minutes.
- Repeat the circuit for two to three times.
- Perform this routine for two to three times per week along with your regular muscle routine.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

My chest workout routine

The Chest workout routine is definitely one of my favorite workouts. It would also partially workout my shoulders and triceps as well. This workout would provide substantial results if you follow then appropriately. Always remember to use weights that you are comfortable with. Proper form should be practiced instead of using heavier weight. Here is my workout that can be applied at home or at the gym.

Equipment needed for home gym:
* Pair of Dumbbells
* Incline Chair
* Couple of sturdy chairs
* Three piled pillows or a sturdy table
* Resistance or elastic bands
Exercise number 1: Incline barbell bench press
Sets: 3
Repetitions: 15, 12, 10

* Home option: decline push ups with resistance bands, here is an example of decline push ups without the bands
Sets: 3
Repetitions: 20, 15, 12

Exercise number 2: Incline Dumbbell bench press
Sets: 3
Reps: 12,10,8
Home options: Use an inclined chair available at your home

Sets: 3
Reps: 12,10,8

Exercise number 3: Flat bench press

Sets: 3
Repetitions: 15, 12, 10
Home options : Use three piled pillows or a sturdy table to simulate a bench

Exercise number 4: Dumbbell Flies

Sets: 3
Repetitions: 15, 12, 10

Exercise number 5: Chest Dips
Sets: 4
Reps: 10,10,10,8 to failure
Home remedies: dips can be done anywhere, you can even do it at your own kitchen

Exercise number 6: Dumbbell Pull over

The Finisher: 100 standard Push Ups!
* This exercise is definitely the best upper body workout. Finishers should be done at every workout. The push up is virtually the best chest exercise finisher
 Sets: 3 to 4
reps: Selects reps that you are comfortable with. You can go for 25 reps per set or 40 reps in a set.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Practices in losing weight

Practices in losing weight
There are several individuals have been struggling on trying to lose weight recently. They often get discouraged when they don’t get their desired results. Losing weight can be complicated specifically if you are doing them incorrectly. Regular exercise is basically not enough to gain your desired figure and weight and it should always be accompanied with substantial practices that are very essential in your health.
I was struggling to lose weight for several years until I have found a successful formula that eventually helped me lose those unwanted fats in the body. I have lost 60 pounds of fat last year and I was looking younger and healthier. Currently, I have gained 15 pounds of muscle since I lost all those unwanted fats.
There are practice that you should do on a regular basis to help you with your lose weight program. Here are those substantial practices that eventually help you obtain your desired figure.

·         Drink more than 8 glasses of water. I was drinking water like a fish during those periods that I was losing weight.  Water specifically lukewarm water could boost your body’s metabolism and it basically flushes out the unwanted fats in your body. However, you would experience frequent trips to the toilet with this practice. It was a sacrifice that I was willing to do and it eventually paid off for me. Water would also minimize your cravings for food and it could also trick your mind that your stomach is full. I would also recommend in drinking a glass of water before eating anything to your meal. It would eventually minimize your food intake.
·         Change your lifestyle. A couple of extra servings and a few shots of beer are one of the significant causes of gaining weight. I used to love beers, alcoholic beverages and sodas. I was able to resist them when I was losing weight.  It could be very difficult at the initial periods of your weight loss program to resist them. I was able to satisfy my sweet tooth and taste buds by drinking diet sodas and low calorie beers at those initial periods. Eventually, my love for those unhealthy drinks faded. An excessive alcoholic drinker can eventually turn into a fitness enthusiast like me.
·         Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Cardio exercises are definitely one of the best ways to lose fats. Don’t be lazy and take the rougher road in losing weight. Enjoying climbing up and down through the stairs daily. Just use those elevators when you are late for work.
·         Supplements. Dietary supplements can eventually speed up your metabolism to annihilate those unwanted fats. I’m using supplements to aid my workouts and exercises, but I never used any diet pills to lose weight. Such pills can be hazardous to your health and could cause palpitations to your heart. Use a supplement that has safe contents such as HCG and L-carnitine in losing weight. You can also use amino acids if you want to have muscles in your body.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Factors in Losing weight

Losing weight is not a daunting task as you perceive them to be. I have lost 60 pounds in my body and if I could do it, then you CAN certainly do it as well. Yes, I’m that fat guy in the picture holding the guitar and I‘m also the same person in the right side. There is basically nothing wrong by being fat, but losing those unwanted pounds can definitely lessen the risks of acquiring several medical conditions. I was happy when I was still obese, but I’m definitely ecstatic of my current body.
In the next blogs, I will share the tips and programs that I have designed to lose weight safely and efficiently. There were will be NO SLIMMING CAPSULE PRODUCTS and other outrageous theories about losing weight. All the procedures in the upcoming blogs are NATURAL. There are several safe and efficient fat burners such as L-carnitine and green tea extract (HCG) that you can utilize for your fat loss. However, I would highly recommend you to practice natural methods first.
For now, we would discuss and tackle on the factors or traits that can lead you to losing weight safely and efficiently. You must have these factors before you could proceed to the efficient workout and nutritional programs. It can waste your time and resources if you start a program without these factors.

·         Determination. Everything starts with determination. If you are you are determined to lose weight, then there is nothing that can hinder from gaining your desired figure. I felt no pain and no difficulties when I was losing weight because I was very determined to lose weight instantaneously. My workouts during those times were very rigorous and I was like an upcoming boxer training for the biggest event of my career. Nothing was able to stop me when I was losing weight because I was a determined man with a mission.
·         Discipline. One of the most essential traits that you should have in losing weight is discipline. Losing weight applies the 80/20 theory which basically means that 80% of your weight lost would come from your diet and 20% would come from your workouts and exercises. Delicious foods are very hard to resist and most of these delectable foods are filled sugar contents and high in calories. It is hard to resist them, but just keep in mind that you cannot achieve your desired figure if you eat those foods. There are alternatives for your favorite foods which we would tackle on later.
·         Patience. Rome was not built in a single day. You should be patient when you are losing weight. Results would not take effect immediately after a week of your program. It would take weeks or even months depending on your body’s metabolism. You must be aware that there are days or weeks that would not provide you the significant results in the weighing scale. However, you should not worry or give up when these situations occur. These things would normally happen and you should be patient at all times to lose the unwanted pounds in your body efficiently.
·         Optimistic. You should always think of the positive benefits of being slim and healthy. Be happy with your workouts and enjoy eating healthy foods at the same time. Nothing can stop if you are optimistic in your program.

These are the tips that I can give you for now. Tune in for the upcoming blogs so that I can help you obtain the figure that you have been longing for.