Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Workout routine for losing the love handles

Love handles are the common and contemporary term for the fat that surrounds your abdomen. These love handles are primarily located in the oblique part of your torso. These oblique are perhaps the most stubborn body part in terms of toning for the reason that they are the body part that accommodates the most fats.

Spot training and toning would not lead to immediate results to these body parts. You need to lower you body fats to lose these love handles. You have to lose weight or gain muscles if you want to remove those fats in your body. Overall body fitness should be applied to lose the fats in your oblique. The abdomen is the part of your body that would indicate to your fitness level and body fat percentage.

Losing these handles requires the proper diet along with the other practices. Intense cardio training should also be practiced to provide instantaneous effects.  Here is a recently designed circuit training that could help you in losing those love handles.
- A pair of dumbbells
- Clock Timer

·         This exercise routine is a circuit training program which basically means that you have to proceed to next exercise without or minimal rest only.
·        -  The duration of each station or exercise is 60 seconds.
·         - Repetitions should be done in as many as you can in the duration of the single exercise.
·         - The entire routine is consisted of 9 exercises or stations.
·        -  Repeat 2 to3 times after completing an entire routine.
·         - This training routine can also be utilized as your cardio and core training.

Warm up set:
Jumping jacks for 25 reps

Exercise number 1: Dumbbell swing.
* Hold a dumbbell in an overhand position and hold it at the front of your waist and at arm's length. Slightly arched your lower back and bend your knees and hips while the dumbbell is being swung in between your legs. Swing the dumbbell forward at your shoulder length and thrust your hips with your arms and legs straight. Perform the entire cycle and switch arms at the 30 second mark.

Exercise number 2: T-Push ups (with or without weights)

 Exercise number 3: Twist Crunches

Exercise number 4: Mountain climbers

Exercise number 5: Dumbell push press`with rotation

Exercise number 6: Plank

Exercise number 7: Squat thrust

Exercise number 8: Standard push ups
Exercise number 9: Standard crunches

- Remember to rest after the entire circuit for two minutes.
- Repeat the circuit for two to three times.
- Perform this routine for two to three times per week along with your regular muscle routine.

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