Thursday, August 18, 2011

Factors in Losing weight

Losing weight is not a daunting task as you perceive them to be. I have lost 60 pounds in my body and if I could do it, then you CAN certainly do it as well. Yes, I’m that fat guy in the picture holding the guitar and I‘m also the same person in the right side. There is basically nothing wrong by being fat, but losing those unwanted pounds can definitely lessen the risks of acquiring several medical conditions. I was happy when I was still obese, but I’m definitely ecstatic of my current body.
In the next blogs, I will share the tips and programs that I have designed to lose weight safely and efficiently. There were will be NO SLIMMING CAPSULE PRODUCTS and other outrageous theories about losing weight. All the procedures in the upcoming blogs are NATURAL. There are several safe and efficient fat burners such as L-carnitine and green tea extract (HCG) that you can utilize for your fat loss. However, I would highly recommend you to practice natural methods first.
For now, we would discuss and tackle on the factors or traits that can lead you to losing weight safely and efficiently. You must have these factors before you could proceed to the efficient workout and nutritional programs. It can waste your time and resources if you start a program without these factors.

·         Determination. Everything starts with determination. If you are you are determined to lose weight, then there is nothing that can hinder from gaining your desired figure. I felt no pain and no difficulties when I was losing weight because I was very determined to lose weight instantaneously. My workouts during those times were very rigorous and I was like an upcoming boxer training for the biggest event of my career. Nothing was able to stop me when I was losing weight because I was a determined man with a mission.
·         Discipline. One of the most essential traits that you should have in losing weight is discipline. Losing weight applies the 80/20 theory which basically means that 80% of your weight lost would come from your diet and 20% would come from your workouts and exercises. Delicious foods are very hard to resist and most of these delectable foods are filled sugar contents and high in calories. It is hard to resist them, but just keep in mind that you cannot achieve your desired figure if you eat those foods. There are alternatives for your favorite foods which we would tackle on later.
·         Patience. Rome was not built in a single day. You should be patient when you are losing weight. Results would not take effect immediately after a week of your program. It would take weeks or even months depending on your body’s metabolism. You must be aware that there are days or weeks that would not provide you the significant results in the weighing scale. However, you should not worry or give up when these situations occur. These things would normally happen and you should be patient at all times to lose the unwanted pounds in your body efficiently.
·         Optimistic. You should always think of the positive benefits of being slim and healthy. Be happy with your workouts and enjoy eating healthy foods at the same time. Nothing can stop if you are optimistic in your program.

These are the tips that I can give you for now. Tune in for the upcoming blogs so that I can help you obtain the figure that you have been longing for.

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